
Jennifer Stirling-Campbell

At the high-strung age of three, I was throwing one of my typical tantrums when my mother asked, in exasperation, “Jennifer—who is the boss around here!?”  Without skipping a beat, my young-self replied emphatically, “I am!”  Fortunately, I have learned quite a bit since my terrible-threes, most especially who and what I am…and who and what I am not.  True to form, much of my success has come as a result of my tenacious nature, my unwillingness to do everything I am told, and a refusal to believe what scholars, doctors, and specialists told me was impossible:


So…who am I, really…to be teaching people how to overcome depression??

  • I healed from chronic/genetic depression after 25 years of suffering, and have been free of chronic depression since 2009.
  • Since 2009, I have sought mentors–including God, life-coaches, online and in-person classes, seminars, and dozens of books–to learn everything I can about natural healing.  My expertise includes customized whole-body nutrition, herbs, homeopathic remedies, meditation, physical therapies, prayer/spiritual warfare, and energy healing.  After years of testing many of these methods on myself, I can guide you through what works WELL, what works BEST…and what DOESN’T work at all.
  • I am an experienced motivational/public speaker, appearing most recently on AMP with Lindsey Stirling, Mental Amanda, Happy N’ Single, and My Turtle House.
  • I am a Light-Filled Astrologer.
  • I graduated from Arizona State University in Trumpet Performance–and used the experience to overcome performance anxiety.  I am currently lead trumpet with the East Valley Millennial Orchestra and have been featured on three albums.
  • I was a competitive cross-country athlete in high school and college, and a wildland firefighter for the US Forest Service, both of which taught me to push through “impossible” boundaries.

I Have Also Overcome:

  • Poverty and Debt
  • Physical Failure
  • Numerous Chronic Health Conditions
  • Abandonment and Divorce
  • Family and Criminal Court

As an Aquarius by nature, I am a lifelong seeker of truth and progression.  It is my hope that the tools utilized through the upcoming “Overcome Depression Boot Camp,” “Overcome Depression: Mission Possible” Programs, and one-on-one coaching sessions (book HERE) can guide you on your path to final and permanent healing from depression.  My healing–as well as YOUR healing–may empower hundreds, if not thousands, to join the ranks of those who have conquered, further inspiring others to do the same. 

My Primary, Driving Belief….

is that life is divinely designed, that there are no accidents, and that we are here to transform our weaknesses into strengths. I am living proof that overcoming chronic, genetic depression IS possible–and that YOU can beat it too!

Want to get started??  Start your personal journey HERE with the OVERCOME DEPRESSION PROGRAM or book a personal session with me HERE.  “Overcome Depression Boot Camp” and “Overcome Depression: Mission Possible” Programs are coming soon!

Jennifer Campbell on a swing outside under a tree